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PC Monitoring Software

Pc real-time monitoring, content filting, employee monitoring


"Real-time pc monitoring, content filting, employee monitoring"
runterload.de Editor: PC Monitoring Software real-time network computer (s an application for) surveillance and manage, and for monitoring employees' work time.
Provides instant e-mail, such as the monitor on all network computers, instant messaging,
keystrokes, FTP file transfer, websites visited, applications, etc. In addition, many networks can live on screen
computers are used to attract and keep track of employee activities by controlling it's mouse and keyboard to control a remote computer, this is helpful
When using the remote computer to the person who needed help, the remote, open the file, file download and upload
You can edit the file. Chat Monitor also remote computer's browsing in Internet Explorer, to restrict
using a remote computer, you can restrict remote computer's network to restrict access to send an instant message and command
(for example, for an open web site) to run the program again has been shut down remote computers. Instant Monitor also the remote computer to see the entire process and at the end of which a powerful
provides remote task manager. And Instant Monitor can log
hardware and software changes can easily manage all network computer automatically Corporation
Computer hardware and software capital of capital.
Employee Activity Monitor is the best choice for the job.
Hidden and undetectable surveillance
login e-mail, instant message, keystrokes, print Jobs
Monitor FTP file transfer, websites visited, applications used
Monitor and control access to websites, filter unwanted web.
Users send alarm work when the console is secreted by the Company
Record MSN, ICQ, AOL and Yahoo messenger.chats player
With desktop computers running Remotly remote control
Monitor corporate computer hardware and software changes
Record software using history
all the processes running and kill any of them
Most network computers to download free PC Control Software 4.83 Now you can save your live screen.

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